Faith Vs. Fact

Describe Your Artwork

My artwork is a pictogram, a minimalistic design, of a poster that features that TV series Lost directed by J.J. Abrams. This poster has a blue background that represents water and in the center of the poster is an island. On this island there is a doctor and a crashed plane that is split in half. This implies that there was a plane crash on an island in the middle of nowhere and a doctor is one of the survivors. This follows what happened in the show because, in the show, a plane crashes on a remote island, and the main character is a doctor named Jack Shepherd.


How Did You Create Your Art?

This poster was created using the popular graphic design software of Adobe Illustrator. It was created using the pen tool primarily and by tracing over PNGs of images. This way, after they were traced over, they could be placed on the poster with a background color along with a title and a line dedicated to informing people who it was directed by. This artwork was created with inspiration and was based off the TV series Lost in which was created in 2004.


What is theĀ  Big Idea Behind Your Artwork?

The big idea behind this artwork is to tell a story in the simplest way possible. It is a pictogram, so everything that is in the image is minimalistic and low-key. Only up to 3 different colors were used to simplify things even further. But most importantly, these simple images told a story, a story that sums up the theme of the show or movie that it was a poster for. For example, in my work, there are only 3 images, an island, a doctor, and a plane that was split in half. When arranged correctly on the paper, these images tell the story of a plane crashing on a remote island with a doctor being a survivor of the plane crash.


What Were Your Goals for this Artwork?

The goal of this piece was to tell a story in a simple way. This piece of art was able to help me reach this goal because this poster tells the story of the TV series Lost by only using simple images and simple colors, along with a minimal amount of text being used. The goal of the artwork was reached because it is so simplistic but is still able to tell a whole story.


What are Your Overall Thoughts of Your Artwork?

In all, I really like how my artwork came out. I think that the colors look solid and simple while the images do as well. I think that the placement of the images and the text on the poster is very nice and well-placed. I think that the choice of words used was simple but also informative and I also think that the contrast between the color of the text and the title of the background go well together. In all, I think that this project came together very well and that I was successfully able to tell a story by only using simple images, colors, and text.

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